17, 2015
Site – Cape Kiwanda, Oregon coastal training hill approximately
150ft high.
Conditions – maybe 5 on the beach and 12-15 on top NNW, clear and
Cummulative flights to date: 18
Cummulative flights to date: 18
Number of flights - 1
This glider is the culmination of the re-build on my own glider I built and crashed back in the early 80's.
Spent all day up until 11PM getting the
final things done on the ER for it's maiden flight tomorrow AM. Left
town around 7:30. Nice, sunny day with a slight drift from the south
as I arrived. Began setting up and within an hour the north drift
set in. By the time I was set up it was about 5mph from the NNW.
Had to make several trips to the bottom of the hill. Still picking
up but about perfect. I would guess about 10mph at the first false
summit on the dune. I was so burned out from the week working long,
hot hours getting the glider done I ran out of energy and decided to
fly from the false summit rather than try and continue to the top.
The extra weight didn't help.....16lbs more than the 50lb plan
estimate. Ran a bit further than I planned but got off with no
problems. I made very small directional corrections but mainly
concentrated on airspeed....especially as I came in to land. The
flight lasted only seconds but the glider felt just like Darrel's in
the air and I am now confident taking it off of an inland trainer
hill.....if I can only find one! Decided to pack up and head home.
All in all the new glider got off very nicely relative to keeping the
sand off of it. I'll wipe it down when I get home but it won't need
much. Need to tighten the tip cables and replace all of the 1/16
cable with vinyl coated. I noticed that Darrel's had the 3/32 cable
on the root negative wires. I may do that at some point. What an
epic event! Finally, after all
the struggling and hard work I finished it. I am now needing to
apply the center closure and fabricate fairings, oh, and rig a chute
mount plus set up the seat harness Darrel gave me. I'll do all this
on his glider and use it for my transition to higher, inland
launches. I did mount the GoPro and filmed this flight but I had to
mount it close enough to turn it on without setting the glider down
so the footage was worthless....way to close and the angle was
terrible. I don't need a driver, I need a camera person.